Song of the Day: The War on Drugs “Red Eyes”

You know, sometimes I really question my music discovering capabilities. It is true that there is a ton of music out there. A ton of great music. So much that it is impossible to keep track of all of the goodness that is released. But I honestly cannot for the life of me understand how I completely missed The War on Drugs Lost in the Dream. I even had “Red Eyes” downloaded on my computer (it must have been included in an NPR bundle or something). How did I miss out on this?

No matter. I’ve discovered it now. And it has been playing nonstop around these parts. I don’t really have much to say that hasn’t been said. It’s such a lush album that really reaches that coveted position where sound turns into pure emotion for me. So many of the tracks give me goosebumps, my heart feels like it’s itching to fly out of my chest when the chords swell. Granduciel strikes such a delicate balance here—the tracks are melancholic and sobering but uplifting and overwhelmingly tender. And, as I’m prepping to head back to the states, I can think of no better band to help reel me back in.